A desk study and walk-over survey are essential components of any ground investigation and should be undertaken before any boring, drilling and testing. The desk study should be carried out at an early stage of any project development to provide information on the probable ground conditions and likely foundation design requirements.

The walk-over survey is carried out after the desk study has been substantially completed to gain extra information on the geology and likely construction problems together with an assessment of access for investigation plant and equipment.

Both the desk study and walk-over survey provide large quantities of invaluable information at negligible cost. They are by far the most cost-effective parts of the site investigation process and can often predict foundation problems at an early stage of development prior to the expense of an intrusive investigation.

Desk studies are often a requirement for submission to a local planning authority to gain outline planning permission.

Foundation problems and building defects can be avoided by a simple low cost desk study

Foundation problems and building defects can be avoided by a simple low cost desk study